Grace Unveiled: Understanding the Silent Struggles We Don’t See

Grace Unveiled: Understanding the Silent Struggles We Don’t See

Strange things started happening when we moved to Minden. I would find myself in the middle of a light-hearted conversation with a woman I’d just met and she made a joke about how “put together” I seemed to be. And in fact, I seemed to have a picture-perfect family. This perception made her feel awful…

How to Deal with Women Who Wound in The Name of Ministry

How to Deal with Women Who Wound in The Name of Ministry

Breathless from finishing a workout, I picked up my phone and noticed a missed call from my ministry leader. I simply assumed she wanted to talk shop about an upcoming project and didn’t worry about listening to the voicemail until I got home. But later, I hopped online and noticed I was blocked from the…

How Bold Women Handle Character Assassination.

How Bold Women Handle Character Assassination.

I love people. Love them. Depending on my social awkwardness I’m the person striking up a conversation with complete strangers. Grocery store lines, galas, waiting rooms, the pharmacy—basically anywhere there are people I’m all ears. I even went into a career in public service where my job required me to meet strangers all day long,…

How Can Women Clothe Themselves in Strength and Dignity Daily?

How Can Women Clothe Themselves in Strength and Dignity Daily?

Through the ebb and flow of daily life, I find myself clothed in frustration, worry, and lack. When I begin to feel this way, the weight of who God called me to be cradles me like a warm shawl—grounding me in the vision God created for all women—to be clothed in strength and dignity. Proverbs…

‘Unbecoming’ — The Anti-New Year’s Resolution that Could Change Your Life in 2024

‘Unbecoming’ — The Anti-New Year’s Resolution that Could Change Your Life in 2024

Smoke filled my nostrils and burned my eyes sending my body into fight or flight mode. I tellmyself it’s just a campfire, it’s just smoke on this cold wintery night. Yet, here I am filled withfear. I am unlearning, unraveling, undoing the memories and the moments of the lastcamping trip.My husband woke me in the…